非常偶爾,我會跟住在墨爾本的 Betty 通通電郵;不久前,我收到她的回信。
打開,讀到「a very sad news to tell you」,我的心就揪緊——接著,就讀到我所敬愛的 Bill 過世了。
「Bill 過身了。」我輕輕的說。
[這是 Bill 的家。我們短暫同住的地方。這曾經是我的「回家之路」。好熟悉。]
[Bill’s house. This was where we briefly lived under the same roof.
This was once “The road home”, which has always been familiar in my memory.]
我與 Bill 認識的那一年,他就已經是個70多歲的老人。
這麼多年來,你說我沒有預想過這一天嗎? 當然不是。
正正相反,我每一次寫電郵給 Betty,都小心翼翼地、委婉地問及兩人的健康狀況,生怕知道他們有什麼事。
而每一次、每一次——這13年來的每一次—— Betty 的回信中都有 Bill 幽默活潑輕鬆的身影。
在這一次寫信告訴他們我的好消息、在這一次我最沒有心理準備的時候,Bill 的逝訊卻來了。
獻給 Bill——經典蘋果派 Classic Apple Pie <---點擊進入~
[Bill 非常喜歡做派。也教會了當時不懂廚事的我做派。這是我暫住時他做的許多派之二,給我帶午餐。]
[Bill enjoyed making pies, and he taught me heaps back in the days when I didn’t have any idea how to cook.
These were 2 of the many pies he made during my stay. They were my packed lunches and snacksand sometimes dinners.]
我覺得遺憾無法再見一面,但又跟自己說,我再見一次又怎樣? 我還是會可惜不能再再見一次;
我覺得可惜我沒法帶丈夫、帶小雨去見他了,又跟自己說,帶他們相見做什麼? 想念他的人是我。
我好想再見 Bill,我好想再擁抱他,我好想再跟他說話,但我永遠沒有這樣的機會了——
站在露台上,我對著天空,想著與 Bill 快樂跳舞的一幕、想著他開車帶我兜風的一幕,哭哭哭哭哭。
[那一年,Bill 為我佈置的房間。]
[This was the room Bill prepared for me 13 years ago.]
記得當年住在 Bill 的家,我們一起吃的第一頓飯是 Bill 料理的。
"What's the point? Fat or thin is not decided by how you eat! It's in your genes!
My children's mom is big and fat.
My children give up butter, give up fatty meat, eat lots of veggies, and they are big and fat!
Me? I eat fatty meat, drink full cream milk, and spread butter on my toasts for decades! See I am still thin!
And, I am in my 70s now, it's not too far from death, what is the point of giving up delicious things?
If I can't have them from now on, I would rather die now! Hahahaha!"
結婚將近九年 (其實是平生30多年) 從來沒有開炸過,從前是因為崇尚低脂飲食,
而我已經做過太多太多「面無血色」的蒸肉丸、灰灰白白的烤肉丸 (是的,烤焗也是沒有焦色的),
以及無法保持圓形的煎肉丸 (貼著平底鍋的一面一定會扁掉,於是會煎出三角形/骰子形肉丸)。
一邊炸著,一邊看見當年 Bill 為我炸豬排。
手工肉丸.白酒香草番茄醬 Homemade Meatballs in White Wine Tomato Basil Sauce
*切勿直接轉載圖文及食譜~ 如需分享請註明出處~!
油......足量 <---炸肉丸用,視鍋子大小,約1~1.5cm深即可。我用小鍋,約用5湯匙油~
罐裝番茄......1罐 (400克)
帕馬臣起司碎......25克 (可省略)
* 豬牛參半的味道與口感最好。也可以按自己喜好調整比例,或全用牛肉/豬肉 (全牛肉口感會較乾柴)。
* 傳統肉丸子會加入麵包粉 (麵包糠)或馬鈴薯泥等,令肉丸變軟、多汁。這裡用「打水」(牛奶) 的方式。
* 罐裝番茄經過久煮,味道濃郁;且是盛產番茄的地區在當造時節入罐的,風味較新鮮番茄好。
洋蔥洗淨,去皮,切碎 (圖一)。
逐湯匙加入牛奶,每次用力攪拌肉餡,待絞肉吸收所有水份後,再加入另一匙牛奶 (圖二)。
把肉餡放入冰箱,冷藏30分鐘。取出,搓圓成肉丸子 (圖三),冷藏備用。
小黑貓嘮嘮叨叨:逐少加入牛奶,每次攪拌至肉餡吸收水份,是「打水」的概念~ 可以令肉丸軟嫩多汁~
肉餡放入冰箱冷藏,會比較容易造型 (天氣冷就不必了)。冷藏過的肉丸比較堅挺,炸的時候較能保持形狀。
蒜頭洗淨,去皮,切末。洋蔥洗淨,去皮,切絲 (圖一)。
炒鍋中放入奶油,加熱融化 (圖二),放入洋蔥絲,中小火拌炒約10分鐘至軟 (圖三)。
加入蒜末 (圖四),繼續翻炒,至蒜頭香氣釋出 (圖五)。轉大火,倒入白酒 (圖六)。
翻炒至水份大致揮發 (圖七),倒入罐裝番茄 (圖八)、加入茄膏 (圖九)、月桂葉、羅勒 (圖十)。
煮沸,轉小火,加蓋煮10分鐘 (圖十一)。以鹽、胡椒調味 (圖十二)。
小鍋中倒入油 (圖一),中火加熱,至竹筷伸入時冒出泡泡 (約160度C) (圖二)。
按鍋子大小逐批放入肉丸 (圖三),底部定形之後,不時輕輕翻轉肉丸,炸至表面微微金黃。
取出,放在廚房紙巾上瀝油 (圖四)。把火力稍微調高,至180度C。
把肉丸逐批重新放入油鍋 (圖五),高溫短時間炸,至表面上色加深。取出,放在廚房紙巾上瀝油 (圖六)。
因此,要視乎鍋子大小,逐些放入肉丸,逐批炸起來,令它們均勻受熱。這裡用的油量少 (只到肉丸的一半),因此要等待肉丸底部定形,再翻肉丸;
若用油充足 (油量蓋過肉丸),則不用這個步驟。肉丸會在醬汁中燉煮,因此不用憂慮是否炸至全熟,表面上色即可。
鍋中放入1.5杯醬汁,加入肉丸 (圖一),拌勻 (圖二),煮沸,轉小火,加蓋煮10分鐘至濃稠 (圖三)。
盛盤後,可以灑上帕馬臣起司碎佐吃 (圖四)。
因為小雨連吃五顆,仍然要求再吃 (餐點中已吃掉了煎鮭魚、煎鱈魚、南瓜、番茄、地瓜耶...)。
我的照相本中,有一張我與 Betty & Bill 的合照,小雨經常拿來看,也認得出「Uncle Bill」。
「Uncle Bill 死了。不在了。即是說,他去睡覺覺,不過以後也不會起床。
小雨望著照片,然後突然說:「Auntie Betty 哭了。」
[Betty 和 Bill 與我一起外出郊遊,我們在公園野餐。]
[Betty and Bill and I went on a picnic in a park.]
親愛的 Bill,你走了,我真的好傷心。
[這個被白鳳頭鸚鵡圍繞的 Bill,是我心目中每次想起他的時候浮起的畫面。當時他帶我去看鳥。]
[This Bill who was surrounded by wild white cockatoos is the Bill I always remember. He was bringing me to bird-watching.]
When I read “a very sad news to tell you” from Betty’s email, my heart tensed up – and soon I learnt that my beloved Bill had passed away as I read on.
“Bill has gone…” I whispered. I was on the train with my husband and baby boy, scrolling my phone and checking my mails, when this heavy news came in. I looked at my husband and told him, feeling unprepared and lost. And he looked back at me, both of us very blank and unable to respond.
I kept running through the day but didn’t feel present. Something was stirring inside that I could not describe.
When I knew Bill he was already in his seventies. Have I not thought about this day all these years? Very much the contrary. Every email I exchanged with Betty, I prayed that I would find the couple healthy and happy. And every time – every SINGLE time in this 13 years – I would hear about Bill’s liveliness from the replying mails. And this very time, when I was writing to share a good news of mine, unprepared for any sad news but their cheering for me, he was not there to be proud of me anymore.
There were a lot going inside me, so many thoughts and feelings I could not comb through. My emotions and reasons are in debate. I missed him. But I told myself that I would miss him anyway. I felt painful that I could not see him again. But I lectured myself that even if could, I would still feel painful and want to see him yet again. I felt pitiful that I had no more chance to take my husband and son to see Bill, which we had always planned. But I questioned myself about why they needed to meet, because after all I was the one in yearning. Of course there was the most typical saying too – that Bill was in his eighties and he had led a beautiful life and he hadn’t suffered much when he went, that we should be happy for him etc.
But still, I felt painful.
In the afternoon when my son finally napped and I could be on my own, I switched on the computer and got ready for a lot of work. But it didn’t feel right. I paused, reminding myself softly, “Feel your feelings first.”
I put my work aside and walked out to the balcony. I looked up at the sky. I tried not to judge my feelings but that wasn’t easy. Grieving is never easy.
And then a scene came to my mind – just now at lunch, my son threw a fit because he wanted strawberries out of the blue and there weren’t any berries in the fridge. He then cried so much over that. It was a sudden insight – We want something. We don’t get it. We are upset. That’s it. As simple as that. I wanted to see Bill again, wanted to hold him in my arms once again, wanted to talk to him and hear him giggle, and I would never have those moments, ever – I finally wept.
I accepted that I could miss him without any justifications. I missed him just because I felt so, selfish or not. Standing on the balcony, I looked at the clouds and recalled my days in Australia. I recalled the evening Bill and I danced, I recalled the car trips with Bill driving me here and there, I cried.
When the tears flew, the suppression released, and the burden lightened.
Getting back inside the house, I thought I need to do something. I wanted to do something – one thing that I could pour my love and memory in. one thing that I could do in remembrance of this person I loved.
Nothing popped up until I started preparing for dinner. I was shaping some meatballs when the inspiration came – let’s do deep-frying!
When I lived in Bill’s house many years ago, he prepared for our first dinner. I remember I was totally shocked when I saw Bill filling his pan with a great depth of oil, deep-frying everything from pork chop to potatoes for our meal (Back in the days, I believed low-fat was the key to health). Later when I saw him spreading butter on everything and eating bacons as snacks, I started nagging like an old woman. And then it was the classic Bill’s statement, which I couldn’t help but state it all over again:
"What's the point? Fat or thin is not decided by how you eat! It's in your genes!
My children's mom is big and fat. My children give up butter, give up fatty meat, eat lots of veggies, and they are big and fat! Me? I eat fatty meat, drink full cream milk, and spread butter on my toasts for decades! See I am still thin! And, I am in my 70s now, it's not too far from death, what is the point of giving up delicious things? If I can't have them from now on, I would rather die now! Hahahaha!"
Indeed, he had been lean all his life, energetic and healthy in his old age, and when he left the reason far unrelated with his diet. (Perhaps he was actually the first inspiration for my low carbohydrates and high fat lifestyle now?!)
Thus, as a cooking wife and mother who has never once deep-fried anything in her life, I decided I would for the first time try my hands on the arts of deep-frying. In face of loss, we need more time and space than we know to truly feel our feelings inside; In face of bereavement, we learn to allow ourselves to grief without reasons; in response to yearnings, we need something specific to put our hands on, so that our longings could be grounded and our remembrance actualized.
That evening, I deep-fried with peace inside. I tried to stay quiet and mindful, focusing only in the process of frying. I watched the meatballs sizzled in the pot, and I saw Bill frying the pork chops for me. Slowing and constantly I turned my meatballs, remembering his love for me, and knowing my love for him.
I have a photo album with a picture of Betty, Bill and I in it. My son loves that album and is able to name “Auntie Betty” and “Uncle Bill”. I always tell him that these two people loved me and helped me so much, and that I would bring him to Australia to see the couple. At dinnertime, I told my son that Uncle Bill had gone. “It means that he is no longer here. He goes to sleep, but would not get up again. We make a blanket for him with soil, cover him well, and we will only meet him again with photos.”
Our first lesson on life and death. The two-year-old boy seemed to have got the idea, lowering his eyes and looking sad. Or probably he was just reflecting his mother’s expression. Then he pointed at “Auntie Betty” in the photo, suddenly said, “Auntie Betty cries.” I was touched, “yes dear,” I patted his head, “when a person dies we are very very sad. Mommy cries too.”
Dear Bill, you have left, and I feel so very sad.
Every piece of memory we shared are deep-rooted in my heart and still vivid in my vision. And the touch was as fresh as new.
I miss you very much and I love you.
I cannot thank you enough.